Friday 7 March 2014


I've been spending a lot of time lately thinking, just pondering over what has happened and why? A lot has happened lately, a lot of questions have been answered but they’ve left me with more questions, worse questions if that makes any sense whatsoever. I've started asking so many questions to the point I've even started beating myself up about the entire situation which isn’t healthy I know.

I understand to a certain extent that it wasn’t my fault, everything happens for a reason and she’s gone, but it doesn’t make accepting the facts any easier.

 I don’t think I have grieved entirely, but then when do you ever get over something like this?

I’m just scared, I’ve done so well moving forward, focusing on my life and family I now feel as though I’m taking one step forward and five steps back.

I’ve lost all motivation; I don’t even want to get out of bed. I think my friends have begun noticing signs as well; I’ve been so distant lately, and my emotions are running high. I cried the other day in my local ASDA store because I couldn’t find any decent Apples, now before you suggest depression, it’s not. I’m aware of how depression feels, and if I was to become depressed I know what actions to take, I don’t know – I just feel lost. I’m putting on the front though, the last thing I need right now, or want is my babies to pick up on this. 

So many mixed emotions, I just want my baby girl back.

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